October 26th

Thursday, October 26th, 2023

Today is a “Y” day


LUNCH THURSDAY (10/26):  BBQ Chicken, Hamburger Pizza, Nacho Cheese Breaded Fish Wedges, Chef Salad

MEATLESS OPTION:  Chickpea & Cauliflower Taco on Flour Tortilla, Cheese Chef Salad


Air Force Junior ROTC Information Night – Oct. 26, 5 p.m.  Located at Northeast High School (2635 N. 63rd Street), learn about this program designed to educate and train high school students in citizenship, character, and self-discipline while promoting community service and instilling personal responsibility.

Reminder:  Tuesday, October 31st, 2023, we have Dragon Zone and it is a PLC Day with early dismissal at 1:40 pm.  There will be no clubs or intramural sports practice.  Please be sure your rides are arranged ahead of time.