August 19th

Friday, August 19th, 2022

Today is a “Y” day


LUNCH FRIDAY (08/19): Mexi Pizza, Corn Puppies, Chef Salad

MEATLESS OPTION: Vegetarian Burger, Cheese Chef Salad


Dismissal:  We will have regular dismissal at 3:00 pm today, August 19th and all next week.

Soccer Meeting:  Any 7th and 8th Graders who are interested in soccer or want to stay in shape should come to our meeting today, August 19th at 3:05 pm in the middle gym. It should only last about 20 minutes, so bring a friend! If you can’t make the meeting, see Mrs. Brooks in Room 8 or Mr. Sis in Room 110 for more information.

Do you love to sing? The LPS All-City Girls Chorus will be holding auditions on Tuesday, August 23, 2022 at 6:00 pm at Lincoln Southeast High School. Any female LPS student in grades 6-8 is welcome to audition. For auditions, students will be asked to sing the first verse of “My Country, ‘Tis of Thee” as well as a short sight-singing example. Please enter on the north side (Van Dorn Street side) of the building. If you have any further questions regarding auditions, contact Hannah Lambert — or talk to Mr. Oltman!

Do you want to be a leader? Do you want to be part of a group? Do you want to help put the GOOD in Goodrich for ALL students? Then the Student Equity Leadership group could be for you!! This group discusses topics concerning equity at Goodrich and provides a way for adults in the building, to hear student voices. If interested please fill out a form using the following jump code, and Mrs. Clemmons, Mrs. Davis-Yoakum, and Ms. Olds will be in contact with you soon. Use jump code: P2OV (sidenote: there is no zero in the code, that is the letter o)

Goodrich Gear:  The Goodrich Gear Store is open until September 5th, 2022. You can go to the Goodrich website (Lower righthand corner) and click on it. Look at the cool items we have. The site is setup until September 5th, 2022. ONCE THE STORE CLOSES ON SEPTEMBER 5TH, 2022 YOUR ORDER WILL BE SENT TO GOODRICH 10-14 DAYS LATER.