Maximizing Achievement for All

Dragon Athletics

Athletics Code of Conduct

As an athlete at Goodrich Middle School, you will agree to the following expectations:

  1. I will be at every practice, unless ill or excused by a doctor or parent.
  2. I understand I am making a commitment to my teammates, coaches and myself and will commit to this season and give my best effort while participating.
  3. If I receive disciplinary action from the school, I understand that I will not be able to practice or be at games. The following will be ways you are excluded from practice or games:
    1. In School Suspension (ISS) – Allowed to practice, not allowed to participate in competitions.
    2. Out of School Suspension (OSS) – No practice any days you are out of the building for disciplinary reasons and no games until you have been back in the building for at least one full school day.
    3. If you have missed practice due to disciplinary reasons, you understand that you also might miss the upcoming game due to not being at practice to learn plays, connect with teammates, and prove that you are ready for a game. This is up to the coaches’ discretion.
  4. I understand that my grades come first and I will do my best to keep all of my grades at passing levels, Ds or above.
  5. If I have an F in one or more classes, I understand that I may be required to go to ARC as assigned by one of my teachers. If I am assigned to ARC, I know that I MUST attend; going to ARC and bringing a pass to practice will excuse any missed practice time. If I do not attend ARC when assigned, I understand that my coach may require me to attend the next day and missing practice may result in lost playing time.
  6. I understand that if I accumulate multiple disciplinary infractions, it may result in being permanently removed from the team (examples include but are not limited to: skipping practice, not going to an ARC when assigned, showing continued disrespect to your coaches, bullying teammates/competitors).
  7. I understand that coaches, Athletic Director, and building admin reserve the right to automatically remove me from a team due to severe behavior (examples include but are not limited to: cussing out coaches/refs, physically fighting teammates).